Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The New York Post's Kate Briquelet Does Expose on The Light

Wow! The New York Post did an expose on The Light! THE CULT NEXT DOOR! http://nypost.com/2014/11/02/the-secret-society-cult-that-operates-out-of-murray-hill/ I'd love to hear more stories. If you want to share contact me at: nosleeptilbkln@aol.com

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Been a long time

It has been quite a while since I've written here or even thought about The Light. Wondering if anyone can reach out and tell me if Tom is still heading it and if meetings are still on Thursday nights. If you have ever been a part of this group, have left, want to leave or have had a bad experience or even just live on the block and are curious, please reach out to me at: nosleeptilbkln@aol.com You can be anonymous. I'm compiling stories...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

How Is Congregation for the Light Funded?

Written by ex-Light member who was in the group for over 30 years: I remember an ex-member who was very high up in the management of this organization tell me about the cash donations he'd be in charge of. He said that he'd see over $50K in cash in donations---just piles of monies.

Who knows? But I can show you this as it is public record. This is a non-profit set up in the name of Morris Kates (Morrie used to run The Light).
Very Interesting: Morris Kates Foundation

Monday, May 11, 2009


I was speaking to an ex-Light member today, and we were discussing the symbols that members of the Light fixate on. They believe the book Pilgrim's Progress is about the Light and that Hiawatha also discusses the teaching. Throughout both they pick out numerous symbols.

We have compiled a list:

1) nut (consciousness)
2) squirrel (seeker trying to remember)
3) Canoe (traveling between astral and physical planes)
4) fleur de lis (what a prayer looked like)
5) lotus
6) cows
7) anchors
8) seagulls--(can eat filth from this life without becoming defiled)
9) spades (something about 7 sides/7 bodies)
10) diamond shape
11) the color yellow (the compassion line)
12) broadswords (Warrior line, which many of them fancy themselves to be members of)
13) the color scarlet (wisdom)
14) woodpeckers (getting to awareness)
15) anq
16) ivy leaves
17) owls (because you are watched from all sides and even at night)
18) poppies

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Identifying Traits of Cults:

After my own horrible experience with The Light I started researching what exactly some of the defining signs of a cult are. I did this because I never thought The Light was a cult. Until some of its members and its leader whipped off the figurative mask and exposed themselves to me for what they really are.

Compiled list:

1-Control-oriented leadership – leader claims to be an all-knowing, liberated being.

Tom Baer (previously Joe Denton or Morrie). While he doesn't claim to be all knowing he does claim to have the access to the most information. He is the sole keeper of the writings of The Light that were passed down for years. No one in the group can independently read these. They must go to Tom with all questions. In fact there is absolutely nothing written at all in THE LIGHT. You learn by listening to meetings every Thursday night and going to Tom with questions.

2-Hierarchical structure with an elite inner circle – including leader’s assistants.

There is a doorman, Regan, at all meetings. Once inside there are two assistants that seat people--they live in the same house as Tom. Tom's wife, Tina, also assists by handing out envelopes. In the coatroom there are often bags left by members to other members with their names on them. There are also those who head other meetings such as the smaller groups on Fridays. Tom's sons are in the elite circle.

3-Group leader not accountable to any authorities, as are, for example: military commanders, and ministers, priests, monks, and rabbis of mainstream denominations.

No checks and balances for Tom. Who is there within the Light to tell Tom "no?" It is possible that Tom has the ability to revise the "Light" documents, giving him the unquestioned and unchecked ability ro change policies and protocol to serve his own purposes.

4-Polarized us-versus-them, black-or-white mentality causing conflict with wider society.

In the Light there can be no grey areas. There is only one truth & they are expected to live by different standards than most. They divide people into categories: The KNOW NOTs are from my point of view disdained and some members are warned to not get too close to them. Marriages are not encouraged by members with non-members. Children are encouraged to only interact with other children in the Light. It is a very exclusionary community that segregates and forces many to have dual lives that cannot intersect. This schizm can cause many problems.

5-Manipulation of members by alternating guilt/anxiety/fear/ostracism and attention.

Absolutely. Oddly, homosexuality is thought to be a karmic situation you must fix in this incarnation.

6-Group perception of being spiritually unique/elite and separate from normal culture.

Yes, they believe that the nearly 200 of them are the only ones on Earth that have access to The Light. However, many others have access on the astral. They discovered the Light because through their incarnations they were ready to become aware. They believe this is our last incarnation on Earth and know where the next will be.

7-Denunciation of other spiritual/religious leaders and groups.

They believe that what they believe is the basis for all religions. That originally when evolution started everyone lead their lives by the light. Through man's greed/lust/etc. ignorance prevailed and the light was forgotten. Religions were created skewing the light in a perverted way to benefit their leaders.

8-Mind-numbing techniques (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used to suppress doubts about group and leader.

They do not chant,etc., however they are taught visualization techniques to be clear thinking and relaxed and to help let the memory (of the truth and past lives) through. They also believe that while dreaming they are transported to the astral where they are free of bodies and can do good.

9-Spiritual practices emphasize experience rather than rationality.

Absolutely. Experience is one of the big buzzwords. Tom is the leader because of his "experience". This doesn't mean mere Earth experience but cumulative experience. You are often told to not blindly believe anything you are taught, but rather to prove it to yourself. However, there are many things you cannot outwardly prove, such as Tom being the most aware and experienced. This is supposed to be a leap of Faith.

10-Sexual abuse - leader uses power to sexually exploit members.

Never. There has never been an inkling of this. I have heard, there is, though, must physical abuse doled out to children. What I've been told is they believe in "spare the rod and spoil the child". If a kid is not compliant with the Light they do get threatened. I have heard awful stories of those beaten, and worse, those young people who have left their homes in their early teens to escape.

11-Economic exploitation of members by leader and assistants.

No one has to pay to go to meetings. It has Church status. Many members have left their estates to the Light when they passed. Also, members give monthly donations to the Light.

12-Confidentiality of members private affairs (legal, medical) violated by leader and assistants.

There is no confidentiality although you are told there is. I could give personal examples, but at this time I won't.

13-Members’ subservience to group causes them to cut or weaken ties with family, friends, and personal goals and activities that were of interest before joining group.

Those who are in the Light are sometimes forced to sever ties with those they become close to who are deemed KNOW NOTs. Those who want to marry an outsider are often coerced not to. If you have friends outside the Light, you are encouraged to keep the Light a secret or else, slowly evaluate and see if they should be invited in. A Light member I knew would lie if asked why they are in suits and where they go every Thursday. Family members that do not go along with the Light and its principles are ostracized. I have many examples of this but will not name names here.

14-Reliance on outside professional help, doctors, therapists, etc., discouraged.

They do not believe in psychotherapy or psychiatry, including both talk therapy and medication. They are fine with drs. however they believe that your death is determined upon birth. They believe life issues and queries should be made to the leader and not to a psychologist. However, Tom has no medical or counselling background. I was told by one ex-member that there have even been those who have needed mental intervention and psycho-tropic drugs and they have been discouraged to seek treatment by a professional causing untold harm, among a group of souls once searching, now hoodwinked and particularly prone to psycological difficulty.

15-Service is inner directed toward the group not the surrounding community.

Yes, they help each other, but the altruism doesn't appear to be extended externally.

16-Conformity to group’s/leader’s values, life style, mode of dress, diet, esthetics, and so on.

At meetings everyone must look the same in suits. All men cleanshaven.

17-Promotion of dependence on group/leader – often disguised.

The leader must be consulted upon for everything. You must call him about meeting meanings, schedules, any problems or life change. All roads currently lead to Tom.

18-Important personal decisions must be approved by leader – members seek his blessing.

Members are not supposed to move outside the NYC area. They are told they shouldn't miss a meeting. Vacations can only be taken in August. They cannot live together unmarried. Any new job, house, serious dating/engagement/marriage must be approved by Tom. You are constantly told you have free will but it is a contradiction. Even at meetings you typically cannot sit by whom you choose. It is all assigned.

Monday, September 17, 2007

If You Want To Leave The Light:

If you are currently a member of the cult referred to as the Congregation for the Light, headquartered at 160 East 35th Street and have a desire to sever ties with this organization for any reason whatsoever, there is a way out and safe refuge available. Please know that you are absolutely free to leave this cult, at any time you wish. It is quite natural to feel apprehensive of the consequences that may result from your departure. Many have been pressured or coerced / directly or indirectly to remain in the cult against their will and desire. For more information on how to safely leave the Light, send questions / details to the following address:


I am an ex-member myself and left over a decade ago after being in it my whole life. You can too.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

What is Congregation for the Light?

In the following weeks I will be posting my personal experiences with this organization as well as ex-members' experiences and those affected negatively by this group.

For now, suffice it to say that Congregation for the Light is a congregation of about 200 people that meet weekly (Thursdays) on 160 E. 35th St. NYC. The group is headed by Tom Baer.

Some have said it is a cult.